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Tech Team Tuesday: Meet Jesse Webb

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Jesse is a software developer with over 10 years of experience programming with a variety of languages such as Java, Scala, Python, C#, and JavaScript. He specializes in backend API design and database optimization but is known to dabble with frontend technologies every now and then too. When Jesse isn’t coding, he enjoys playing video games, collecting LEGO, and sport target shooting.

  1. What is the biggest misconception of a reactive architecture system?

    “Reactive systems must use message buses.” At the core of reactive principles is “Message Driven”, which boils down to asynchronous execution in a locationally-transparent system. Many mature, larger-scale reactive systems will likely use a fully-featured message bus, but you can also get a lot of mileage out of local event listeners or other reactive programming techniques. So long as you are focusing on writing responsive, resilient systems while being mindful of failures, reactive systems don’t need to have a ton of moving pieces.
  2. What are the advantages of using OSS (open source software)?

    Open-source software can significantly increase the development velocity on any project. Most common problems have common solutions that are widely available for use as libraries or frameworks. Why should I write code to encode/decode JSON when there are countless free implementations to utilize? Unless the task at hand is super specific (read: proprietary), chances are that someone else has already written and released some code to do it.
  3. What would you say is the number 1 business value gain from moving to a reactive architecture?

    Elasticity, which will lead to better customer experience for less cost. Building reactive systems that can scale both up and down as demand surges, bring complexity but it is cheaper in the long term than running beefy servers that sit idle most of the time. And it is certainly better than having your users flock to your competitor because your website crashed under load.
  4. What would you say are your top 5 benefits of an agile environment?

    – Delivering working software that solves real problems
    – Fast feedback cycles with customers
    – Self-organizing teams with shared accountability
    – Using time boxes to limit meetings and fail fast
    – Healthy work-life balance
  5. What is one thing you are most excited about in the tech industry for the near future?

    Quantum computing! Google and IBM have been making some very exciting advancements in the field over the past couple of years and even Microsoft has recently released a quantum SDK that runs code on the cloud. With so many big players working in this space, we may all be writing quantum code sooner than we think!
  6. What do you like about working at YoppWorks?

    YoppWorks is great because everyone is super passionate and very intelligent; I’ve never worked with a smarter bunch! I also really enjoy the freedoms of working from home for a company that fully embraced “working remotely” before it was cool.