Home » Tech Team Tuesday: Meet Andres Blanco

Tech Team Tuesday: Meet Andres Blanco

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Andres started his career as a “.net developer”, I’m now he’s a “software engineer” that uses whatever tool that works for the problem that needs to be solved. He has worked with C#, Java, Scala, PHP, Python, Javascript among others, implementing from monoliths to reactive microservices, from backend to frontend with some devops work too. He loves to focus on bringing value to the customer and creating tools for developers to make their lives easier.

  1. What is the biggest misconception of a reactive architecture system?

I think people tend to confuse a concept with a set of tools or a software framework. It is not about using Akka, it is not about using asynchronous non blocking code; it is about building a responsive, elastic, resilient and message driven system with whatever technology works for you and your company.

  1. What are the advantages of using OSS (open source software)?

It helps us focus on solving the business problems. We no longer live in a time when we need to keep our “secret sauce” hidden. Open source helps our code grow and mature much much faster, we can get great feedback from awesome engineers and, just as good engineering should be, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Focus on solving business problems and bring value, and while on it, let’s help each other out.

  1. What would you say is the number 1 business value gain from moving to a reactive architecture?

User experience. We should always focus on our users, on the issue we’re trying to solve for them. Software should never get in the way of their work. By being reactive, users will get a really quick and responsive solution that will behave the exact same way every time.

  1. What would you say are your top 5 benefits of an agile environment?

Ownership. A team must own the deliverable, understand it completely, practically feel the pain they’re trying to solve.

Adaptability. Businesses change really quick, being able to adapt as you go is crucial.

Contribution. Do not mistake roles for hierarchies. Nobody is on top or the bottom, every single member brings a different ability and executes a different role, with a diverse composition you ensure that everyone learns from each other and makes it easier for everyone to contribute.

Communication. The whole team is working together towards the same goal, we all win or we all fail, as soon as someone finds an issue, raising a flag is as easy as a quick chat message or a call with the team.

Rockband, not rockstars. People tend to think that having a rockstar in the team is the best, the guy or gal that is critical because they know something nobody else does. By learning from each other you end up with a team that puts on an amazing show, the crowd won’t just be waiting for the guitar solo anymore.

  1. What is one thing you are most excited about in the tech industry for the near future?

I’m really excited about serverless technology. Software architecture has grown in complexity over the years, there are a lot of moving pieces. Again, we should be focusing on solving business problems, so the less time I spend asking technical questions and the more time I spend it on asking business ones the better the solution will be. Solutions like CloudState that bring Event Sourcing, CQRS and stateful services to the serverless world seem pretty exciting because people could write reactive architected solutions focusing on the business and not on the technical side.

  1. What do you like about working at YoppWorks?

Working with an incredibly diverse and passionate group of people!